segunda-feira, 3 de março de 2014

raw lasagna with cashew cheese and broccoli sun-dried tomato pesto

I know, FINALLY something that isn't a dessert. Sorry I have a major sweet tooth, okay. Believe it or not, I do eat things other than raw cake and chocolate in the daytime. Usually I keep it simple with fruit, juice, smoothies, salads and sometimes zuke pasta but I also like to get fancy sometimes. I've been wanting to make raw lasagna for you and tonight I did! It was a very quick, spontaneous, improvised recipe that ended up (thank goodness) being quite tasty. 

I made a simple cashew cheese with garlic, rosemary and lemon and then a "pesto" (I don't know what else to call it that sounds nice) of sun-dried tomatoes and broccoli. Like I said, I improvised. Mostly because I am running out of fresh produce and really must go shopping. It is a scary feeling, being myself, when you know you are running out of bananas. 

I don't like doing the same thing over and over again so after making one serving of lasagna, I made rolls with the rest of the zucchini strips and fillings. Mmm... spirals of raw whole food goodness in each bite. I wanna get back to the kitchen now so I can A) clean up the mess I made, but more importantly, B) to eat the rest of these!

lasagna with cashew cheese and broccoli sun-dried tomato pesto: serves 3-4

Lasagna noodles:
1 zucchini

Cashew cheese:
2/3 cup cashews
2 peeled garlic cloves
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1-2 teaspoons dried rosemary
2-3 tablespoons nutritional yeast (optional) 
Salt and pepper, to taste
Water, as needed

Sun-dried tomato and broccoli pesto: (or use the pesto recipe here)
1/2 head of broccoli
2 tablespoons sun dried tomatoes 
1 tablespoon olive oil (only if your sun-dried tomatoes aren't already stored in oil)
Salt, pepper and dried herbs, to taste
Water, as needed 

Other layerings:
Basil leaves

To make the noodles: slice the zucchini on a mandolin. Or very thinly with a sharp knife. Set aside. 
To make the cheese: blend all ingredients in your food processor or blender until smooth and thick, adding as little water as possible. Set aside. 
To make the pesto: blend all ingredients in your food processor or blender until smooth and thick, adding as little water as possible.
Assembly: layer the noodles with the pesto, cheese and whatever you else you like, alternating as you go. If you want, make roll ups too! Enjoy.

lasanha com queijo e brócolis caju secos ao sol e tomate pesto: serve 3-4

Macarrão Lasagna:
1 abobrinha/courguette

Queijo Caju:
2/3 xícara de caju
2 dentes de alho descascados
Sumo de limão fresco (
1 colher de sopa)
1-2 colheres de chá de alecrim seco
2-3 colheres de sopa de levedura nutricional (opcional)
Sal e pimenta a gosto
Água, conforme a necessidade

Sun-dried tomate e brócolis pesto: ( ou usar a receita do pesto aqui )
1/2 cabeça de brócolis
Tomates secos 2 colheres de sol
Azeite de oliva 1 colher de sopa (só se os seus tomates secos ao sol ainda não estiverem armazenadas em óleo)
Sal, pimenta e ervas secas, a gosto
Água, conforme a necessidade

Outros ingredientes:
Folhas de manjericão

Para fazer o macarrão: cortar a abobrinha num bandolim. Ou muito finas com uma faca afiada. Ponha de lado.
Para fazer o queijo: misture todos os ingredientes no processador de alimentos ou liquidificador com  o mínimo de água. Ponha de lado.
Para fazer o pesto: misture todos os ingredientes no processador de alimentos ou liquidificador com o minimo de água.
Empratar: Camada o macarrão com o molho pesto, queijo e tudo o que mais você gosta, alternando como você quiser. Pode fazer rolo também! Aproveite.


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