"Sassy Water
8 1/2 cups water- 8 1/2 chávenas de água
1 teaspoon grated ginger - 1 colher de chá de gemgibre ralado
1 medium cucumber, sliced thin - 1pepino médio cortado em fatias finas
1 medium lemon, sliced thin - 1 limão médio
12 leaves spearmint - 12 folhas de hortelão pimenta
Mix all ingredients together in a pitcher. Refrigerate overnight. Strain water. Drink all 8 1/2 cups during the day.
Benefits of Sassy Water
Supports Weight Loss
Sassy water can make you feel full on few calories because each batch of Sassy water provides 2 liters of water and only about 50 calories from the total of the medium lemon, peeled cucumber, 12 leaves of spearmint and 1 tsp. grated ginger. The Flat Belly Diet claims to decrease bloating, and a benefit of drinking Sassy water is decreasing water retention by staying hydrated. Another benefit of staying hydrated is to feel energized because dehydration can make you feel lethargic.
Source of Fiber
The lemon provides 2.4 g dietary fiber, and the cucumber adds another 1.4 g. Dietary fiber comes from the parts of plant foods that your body cannot digest, and eating a high-fiber diet may help you control your weight. Fiber may reduce your risk for heart disease because it lowers levels of cholesterol in your blood, and it promotes more stable blood sugar levels because it prevents spikes in your blood sugar. Dietary fiber may prevent constipation because it has a laxative effect.
Soothes Stomach
Each batch of Sassy water contains 1 tsp. fresh, grated ginger for soothing your gastrointestinal tract and making your stomach feel calmer. Ginger is a common herb for treating nausea, gas and diarrhea, according to Medline Plus. However, because Sassy water contains spearmint and lemon, which is a citrus fruit, a potential risk of drinking this water is exacerbating heartburn and increasing your risk for gastrointestinal reflux disease, or GERD, according to Medline Plus.
Healthy Nutrients
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